From the very onset, Flichy Grangé Avocats has developed a leading expertise with regard to international matters in order to meet the irresistible move towards corporate globalisation. The firm is recognized for its top-rated knowledge of employment law issues with an international dimension.

Flichy Grangé Avocats is a founding member of L&E Global, an integrated international platform of law firms specializing in employment law and operating in the world's major economic and financial centers.


Numerous international groups rely on us to handle their complex cases. We assist them in implementing their cross-border projects such as European or international restructuring operations, the transfer of activities and employees, the setting up of European works councils, expatriation, “impatriation” and the secondment of employees.

Our legal expertise is based on the solid experience we have acquired in the day-to-day management of international cases and on a network of foreign correspondents consisting of the best local professionals. The firm's lawyers work in English, Italian and Spanish.


In order to stay up to date on the latest international-scale employment law developments, the lawyers on our team are actively involved in international associations and conferences dedicated to the field.

In addition, Flichy Grangé Avocats has created a France-Luxembourg desk that provides employment law expertise dedicated to Luxembourgish companies present – or hoping to be so – in France.

Joël Grangé, Olivier Kress are members of the European Employment Law Association (EELA). Joël Grangé, Olivier Kress and Caroline Scherrmann are also members of the Employment and Industrial Relations Law Committee of the IBA (International Bar Association). Florence Bacquet is a member of the ABA (American Bar Association), Caroline Scherrmann is a member of the Business Club France-Luxembourg within the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in France. She is also the partner in charge of Flichy Grangé Avocats’ France-Luxembourg desk.

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