Corinne Potier is an expert in Social Security law, and more especially, in issues relating to risk-prevention, “unpardonable error” on the employer’s part, assessment of harm (tarification) and litigation involving the URSSAF.
Corinne Potier’s particular area of expertise lies with management of psycho-social risks. She advises employers in their dealings with the Caisses Primaires d’Assurance Maladie (local agencies of the National Health Insurance fund).
She holds a Master’s Degree in General Private Law and a Licence (BA) in English from Paris X University. Holder of the CAPA since 2002, she was an associate with PLICHON–de BUSSY-PLICHON from 2003 to 2012.
Corinne Potier’s particular area of expertise lies with management of psycho-social risks. She advises employers in their dealings with the Caisses Primaires d’Assurance Maladie (local agencies of the National Health Insurance fund).
She holds a Master’s Degree in General Private Law and a Licence (BA) in English from Paris X University. Holder of the CAPA since 2002, she was an associate with PLICHON–de BUSSY-PLICHON from 2003 to 2012.