WEBINARS | Free July Fast Webinar series

Flichy Grangé Avocats is delighted to invite you to its free July Fast Webinar series. In just 30 minutes, learn the do's and don'ts for handling sexual harassment, bullying, or discrimination complaints in your French operations.

Sexual Harassment and Sexist Behavior, Wednesday, 17 July 2024 at 4:00 PM CET
Speaker: Natacha Lesellier

Register here : https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3283203733557920346


Workplace Bullying , Wednesday, 24 July 2024 at 3:00 PM CET
Speaker: Florence Bacquet

Register here :  https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8778474888340991840

Discrimination, Wednesday, 31 July 2024 at 3:00 PM CET
Speaker: Olivier Kress

Register here : https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8678207124469326174


Thu, apr 6, 2023 • 1:00 PM CET- 12:00 PM BST

The latest updates on employment and labour legislation for 2023 in France and UK. Join this webinar to seak answers about any potential challenges your business may face.


• Joël Grangé (Flichy Grangé Avocats in France)
• Rob Hill (Clyde & Co.United Kingdom)

Register here !


Thu, oct 2, 2022 • 6:00 PM CET- 5:00 PM BST

In the past 3 years, 78% of global companies have conducted investigations for fraud, corruption, or related misconduct according to the latest “Kroll Global Fraud and Risk Report.” This percentage would have reached 100% if HR internal investigations had also been included, given that they generally represent over 50 % of whistleblowing reports. These investigations are becoming more complex to handle due to growing legal constraints from the increase in whistleblowing and data privacy legislation.

They are becoming increasingly publicized and often result in significant financial and reputation damage. Best practices for conducting investigations vary considerably based on the legal context and limitations in the country where an employee works.

Join our leading practitioners in Brazil, France, Mexico, the UK and USA for practical advice on:

• What and when to investigate
• Who should investigate
• How to collect evidence
• How to run effective interviews; and
• The technology that helps speed up the process and reduce costs


• Gabriela Lima (TozziniFreire in Brazil)
• Natacha Lesellier (Flichy Grangé Avocats in France)
• Jimena A. Sánchez Argoytia (De La Vega & Martínez Rojas in Mexico)
• Charles Urquhart (Clyde & Co in United Kingdom)
• John Sander, moderator (Jackson Lewis in USA)
• Teri Wood (Jackson Lewis in USA)

Digital Nomads

Tue, oct 11, 2021 • 6:00 PM CET- 5:00 PM BST

One critical worldwide issue for employers is the search for talent. For many new hires, a global search is needed, that can expand beyond the home country, sometimes within countries the employer has had no legal presence.  The need to retain home country employees with families in distant locations and a new desire and acceptance for travel are driving employers to consider permitting cross-border remote work. Searching for hiring and managing employees in locations where an employer has no operations, and no local HR expertise is raising novel and unplanned complications. Complications include statutory employment rights, immigration requirements, tax regulations, health & safety, and insurances. In this panel discussion webinar, the speakers will discuss these issues and invite you to pose your questions on the digital nomads.


• Gabriela Lima (TozziniFreire in Brazil)             
• Olivier Kress (Flichy Grangé Avocats in France)
• Jimena Sanchez (De La Vega & Martinez Rojas in Mexico)        
• Rob Hill (Clyde & Co in United Kingdom)
• John Sander, moderator (Jackson Lewis in USA)


Fast webinar: Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination in the workplace in France

Mon, 15 nov, 2021 • 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM CET

With more than 65 % vaccinated population against COVID-19 in France, there are still unanswered questions around vaccination and the progressive application of the vaccination obligation. Please join us for a 30 minutes free webinar where we will discuss the latest updates on the:

- standard and mandatory vaccination scheme for employers and employees

- compliance with the vaccination obligation against COVID-19 and what does imply the non-compliance in the professional environments

- mandatory COVID-19 vaccination and staff representative bodies


• Frédéric-Guillaume Laprévote (Flichy Grangé Avocats)

Fast webinar: Best practices for remote work in France

Wed, 7 Jul, 2021 • 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM CET

After a year of the global health crisis, remote work is on the rise in France and it is reshaping the traditional workplace. Before the pandemic, only few companies had some form of remote working in place but with the newly created reality, a major shift is around the corner and it’s urging the companies to adapt and revise their protocols and working agreements .

In response to these concerns, our Fast Webinar revises and presents the current situation and what you need to know about remote working in France, the legal framework for the companies meant to sustain the transition for all the involved stakeholders and ultimately, what are the “do’s and don’ts for remote work to become a more regular practice in the nearest future.


• Florence Bacquet (Flichy Grangé Avocats)


Thu, Mar 18, 2021 • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM CET

On 16 April 2019, the EU Whistleblowing Directive was passed by the European Parliament, giving EU-based employee whistleblowers many of the same protections long enjoyed by employees in the US.
  • - What does this mean for your EU-based business?
  • - To what extent will national laws implementing the Directive create a variety of local requirements across the EU?
  • - What do you need to know and how do you as a business comply?
The EU specialist speakers will discuss the implications, provide best practices and answer your questions.
Florence Bacquet (Flichy Grangé Avocats in France)
• Gautier Busschaert (Van Olmen & Wynant in Belgium)
• Kristian Foss Aalmo (Storeng, Beck & Due Lund in Norway)
• Michael Witteler (Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law in Germany)

• John Sander (Jackson Lewis in USA)


Tu-Wed, Mar 16-17, 2021 • 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM CET

L&E Global invites you to join De la Vega & Martínez Rojas, S.C. as the firm celebrates 5 years of excellence in labor and employment law, by hosting a cross-border virtual seminar to address the challenges that lie ahead for labor in 2021. Labor Challenges 2021 will feature guest speakers from across the L&E Global alliance, including Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, France, Canada and the United States.


- The Change of Government in the USA, effects in Mexico and Canada
- Rapid Response Mechanisms in the USMCA, Annexes 31-A and 31-B of the USMCA
- Legitimising Collective Bargaining Agreements, or Not?
- Reform to the Federal Labor Law on Outsourcing
- Reform to the Federal Labor Law on Telework

  • Olivier Kress, Flichy Grangé Avocats, France
  • Oscar de la Vega, De la Vega & Martínez Rojas, Mexico
  • Ricardo Martínez Rojas, De la Vega & Martínez Rojas, Mexico
  • Enrique García Conde, De la Vega & Martínez Rojas, Mexico
  • Rolando Santos, De la Vega & Martínez Rojas, Mexico
  • Edgar Mayorga, De la Vega & Martínez Rojas, Mexico
  • Blanya Correal, De la Vega & Martínez Rojas, Colombia
  • Eduardo Arrocha, De la Vega & Martínez Rojas, Mexico
  • Gabriela Lima, TozziniFreire, Brazil
  • Angélica Carrión, López & Asociados, Colombia
  • James M. Stone, Jackson Lewis, United States of America
  • Nicolas Grandi, Allende & Brea, Argentine
  • Melanie McNaught, Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti, Canada
  • James P. Verdi, Jackson Lewis, United States of America
  • Mary Costigan, Jackson Lewis, United States of America
  • Alexandre Cardoso, TozziniFreire, Brazil
  • Juan Felipe Santos, Jackson Lewis, United States of America
Register here !

France: Getting back to work - How to organize the workplace safely for Covid-19

Wed, Apr 29, 2020 • 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM CET

In light of the recent Amazon, La Poste, and Carrefour court rulings, Caroline Scherrmann and Olivier Kress will answer the questions relating to the following issues:
  • - The legal background pertaining to health and safety at work
  • - The employer lessons of the Amazon, Carrefour, and La Poste court rulings for Covid-19
  • - Practical legal tips for preparing the return to work
  • - Key prevention measures to be implemented upon business restart
Caroline Scherrmann, Partner
Olivier Kress, Partner

Register here !

Issues to Consider in Starting Up New Operations: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico 

Thursday 27 February 2020 at 6 p.m. Central European Time / noon Eastern Time
Latin America remains an attractive and critical region for expansion and start-up operations. From a labor and employment law point of view, however, new operations encounter a number of complex and important issues in determining whether to set up local subsidiaries or branches, use staffing agencies/PEO’s, or retain independent contractors. This webinar will consider these strategic issues in key Latin America jurisdictions as well as identify the key risks and pitfalls you need to be aware of.
Join this insightful webinar to better manage the related risks for your business and ask the questions you always wanted to ask!

Speakers :
  • - Angelica Carrion (Lopez & Asociados in Colombia)
  • - Nicolas Grandi (Allende & Brea in Argentina)
  • - Gabriela Lima (TozziniFreire in Brazil)
  • - Jimena Sánchez Argoytia (De La Vega & Martinez Rojas in Mexico)
  • - Ricardo Tisi (Cariola Díez Pérez-Cotapos in Chile)
  • - Moderator: John Sander (Jackson Lewis in USA)

Click here to register

Global Me Too: Focus on new developments in Asia – L&E Global Webinar

Monday, 23 March 2020 at  9 am CET and 6 pm CET
While the MeToo movement has perhaps attracted the most attention in the United States and other Western countries, key jurisdictions in Asia have experienced MeToo initiatives of their own and are rapidly addressing issues of gender discrimination and harassment both culturally and legally.
In this webinar, counsel from China, Japan, India and South Korea will review recent developments in their respective countries and discuss how these developments should be taken into account in your global strategy to investigate, address, and prevent gender discrimination and harassment in your workplace.

Speakers :
  • - Kwon Hoe Kim (Yoon & Yang in South Korea)
  • - Sowmya Kumar (IndusLaw in India)
  • - Tatsuo Yamashima (Atsumi & Sakai in Japan)
  • - Ying Zhao (Zhong Lun Law Firm in China)
  • - Moderator: John Sander (Jackson Lewis in USA)

Click here to register

Employee co-determination in European jurisdictions: France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Poland

Tuesday, 7 April 2020 at 5 pm CET
Co-determination is the practice of workers of an enterprise having the right to vote for representatives on the board of directors in a company. It also refers to staff having binding rights in work councils on issues in their workplace. Co-determination primarily exists: to reduce management-labour conflict by improving and systematizing communication channels; to increase bargaining power of workers at the expense of owners by means of legislation; and to correct market failures by means of public policy. In this webinar the speakers will provide insight in the co-determination differences and pitfalls in Germany, France, Italy, The Netherlands and Poland.

Speakers :
  • - Florence Aubonnet (Flichy Grangé in France)
  • - Marcello Buzzini (LABLAW in Italy)
  • - Karol Hillebrandt (Palthe Oberman in the Netherlands)
  • - Pawel Korus (A. Sobczyk i Współpracownicy Law Office in Poland)
  • - Anna Martin (Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law in Germany)

Click here to register