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As lawyers, we are bound by specific ethical obligations which we highly value: dignity, conscience, independence, integrity, and humanity.

We have also made the commitment to promote human rights and international labour standards, to play our part as a corporate citizen namely be supporting environmental stewardship and fighting corruption in all its forms.

This Code of Ethics aims to set out how we seek to implement these principles on a day-to-day basis.[1]

Working environment

The Firm endeavours to maintain a healthy working environment. Firm members, both lawyers and support staff, are expected to be familiar with and apply the health, safety and hygiene rules[2] and to attend the training courses organised by the Firm in this respect.

Bullying, sexual harassment, sexist behaviour or discrimination in the workplace will not be tolerated[3].

The Firm attaches great importance to maintaining a balance between professional and personal life, in particular through the appropriate deployment of remote working and respect for the right to disconnect.

The Firm aims to develop its lawyers’ and support staffs’ talents and skills, in particular through fortnightly training sessions for lawyers and an annual training plan for the Firm's support staff.  

Confidentiality and protection of personal data

The Firm organises regular training sessions on security rules, particularly regarding information technology[4], and constantly ensures compliance with the applicable provisions concerning the collection and processing of personal data[5] .

In particular, the Firm ensures that everyone is aware of and complies with access control measures for persons from outside the Firm[6]. Documents containing sensitive information must not be left where an unauthorised person could read them, including on photocopiers. No document containing confidential information may be taken outside the Firm without a lawyer’s authorisation.

Relations with the media must be handled with particular care. Only authorised persons may express themselves in the media on behalf of the Firm.


The Firm pays particular attention to the quality of the services and work provided to clients.

Moreover, the Firm undertakes to provide its clients with clear information on the different billing options, as well as precise invoices for the services provided and expenses incurred.


The know-how developed while working for the Firm is an asset of the Firm. Lawyers are expected to share their know-how, in particular by contributing to the Firm's Know-How Committee.

Everyone must call on fellow members’ knowledge when the issues raised go beyond their experience or knowledge.

No documentation or know-how belonging to the Firm may be retained upon leaving the Firm, subject to the specific policy applicable to Associates’ departure[7].


In accordance with its legal and regulatory obligations, the Firm refuses to work with companies or individuals whose financial sources are suspect, nor will it assist a client in providing or receiving products, services or technologies to or from any natural person, legal entity or country which is subject to national, regional or international sanctions.

The Firm has put in place an AML procedure, which is monitored annually. Firm members, whether lawyers or support staff, are required to notify one of the Managing Partners if they may be considered to have "politically exposed person" status[8] .


Bribery consists of offering or giving, soliciting or accepting, offers, promises, gifts or donations, for the purpose of performing or refraining from an act or to obtain favours or special advantages.

The Firm has implemented a specific Anti-Corruption Policy[9] .


The Firm pays particular attention to environmental issues and is committed to reducing its energy consumption and use of the natural resources required to carry out its activities[10]. It pays particular attention to compliance with applicable environmental protection rules, first and foremost via selective sorting and recycling[11] .

The Firm has made several environmental commitments:
- reduce its average paper consumption per lawyer by 20% between 2021 and 2027;
- reduce its carbon intensity (internal average per person, excluding external rebilling) by 4% between 2019 and 2027;
- ensure that 10% of our telephones/smartphones are recycled by 2027.
The Firm encourages business travel by train within mainland France, is working to improve its IT equipment and encourages its service providers and suppliers to adopt a virtuous environmental approach.

social responsibility

The Firm helps to promote the rule of law and supports access to justice. The Firm also supports its clients with their ethical and CSR initiatives.

The Firm supports and encourages its lawyers and staff’s participation in charitable and community activities, in particular within the framework its long-standing commitment to the Bus de la Solidarité and Cravate Solidaire initiatives and also with regards to universities and the École de Formation du Barreau (French Bar School).


The Firm has particularly high expectations with regards its Partners and senior managers. They have a duty to lead by example, to develop a culture of ethics and to foster an environment in which their teams are aware of the Code and feel comfortable seeking advice and reporting any violations.

If you have a question about our Code of Ethics, you can contact your responsible Partner, the Works Council or an Associate spokesperson. You can also contact our Ethics and CSR Officer.

If you wish to report a concern relating to the respect of our Code of Ethics, our professional ethics rules or the law, please contact one of the Managing Partners.  The Firm will not retaliate against anyone who reports in good faith any behaviour that is contrary to the law or our internal procedures.

Violations of the Code, our professional ethics rules, our internal procedures or the law may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal for employees, contract termination for Associates or revocation for Partners.


This Code is annexed to the Firm’s Internal Rules in accordance with article L.1321-5 of the Labour Code. It will be subject to the same registration and communication rules prior to entering into force.

This Code will enter into force on April 30th, 2024.
[1] This document is not intended to replace the Internal Regulations, the National Internal Regulations for Lawyers (RIN) and/or other internal procedures. Reference to these documents is included within the Code.
[2] See the Welcome Booklet.
[3] See the Internal Regulations (employees/trainees) and the RIN (partners/associates)
[4] See our IT Charter.
[5] See our policy on data privacy.
[6] See the Internal Rules and the Welcome Booklet for the measures to be respected.
[7] See Procedure in the event of an employee leaving the Firm
[8] See Anti-corruption policy
[9] See Anti-corruption policy
[10] See the Welcome Booklet.
[11] See the Welcome Booklet