Business Ethics, CSR, Discrimination, Harassment, Employees’ Right To Privacy, Data Privacy 

Companies are faced with growing regulation and enforcement with regard to business ethics, CSR, diversity & inclusion, and data privacy as well as rising stakeholder expectations (NGOs, consumers, candidates, etc.). This requires them to increase their vigilance in these areas and to put into place specific policies and programs.

Our Ethics, Diversity, and CSR Practice, composed of specialized lawyers including a former Ethics Officer of a leading multinational, offers solutions that are legally sound and operationally effective, both for French entities but also foreign subsidiaries thanks to L&E, our international network in 28 countries.

The Ethics, Diversity, and CSR Practice regularly helps clients – regardless of industry, size, and level of maturity – ensure they are both compliant but have also put in place governance systems in line with international best practices.

The Practice namely assists clients in identifying their priorities through anti-corruption (Sapin II), human rights (Vigilance), and data privacy (GDPR) due diligence and assessments, drafting internal policies (Code of Ethics, anti-corruption Code of Conduct, Human Rights policy, anti-discrimination/sexual and psychological harassment policies, IT charters, social media policies, conflict of interests/gift and entertainment registers, supplier codes of conduct). The Practice can also carry out ethics and compliance acquisition due diligence and advise on corporate reporting requirements. Further services include day-to-day support of Ethics, Compliance, and CSR teams, management and employee training, whistleblowing lines, and internal investigations. The Practice also assists clients in case of legal proceedings or regulatory controls (in particular Labour Inspectorate, Défenseur des Droits – French Ombudsman, CNIL – Data Protection Agency).